Sunday, March 25, 2012


You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
-  2 Timothy 2:1

God looks at us and sees what he wants to see.  He’s not blind to our sin, but He chooses to focus on what we could be.  He looks beyond our faults and sees our potential.  He know we don’t deserve to be treated with mercy, but He shows us mercy nonetheless.  If it weren’t for God’s grace, we would all suffer the enormous consequences of our own rebellion.

The lie that millions have believed through the centuries is that God withholds His love until we prove we deserve it.  People labor their entire lives to earn a place in God’s heart, never certain they have achieved their goal.  They’ve been either unaware or unwilling to accept that God wants to give them His grace.  God knows that no one could ever be good enough to deserve what He has to offer, so He gives it freely.  Trying to earn God’s favor is exhausting.  Accepting the grace He offers is life changing.

Paul urged Timothy to “be strong” in God’s grace so it would fill every area of Timothy’s life.  Like Timothy, we ought to trust in God’s grace for every part of our life.  Grace changes our character.  We are weak and unable to do God’s will, but God has given us the power to do whatever He asks.  If He wants us to love someone who is unlovable, His grace will enable us to do it.  If He wants us to forgive when our hearts has been broken, His grace will give us the strength to do it.  If He asks us to share His gospel with others, He will graciously provide the courage we need to do it.  Be strong in God’s grace so you can share His grace with those around you. 

Have a blessed day in His grace.