Monday, March 19, 2012


Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
– Proverbs 12:18

     Words can cause horrible pain. Bruises and even gashes can heal with time, but time alone cannot remove the hurts that words inflict.

     Our proverb for today is to point out not the agony caused by “reckless words” but the healing the same tongue can provide when it is empowered with helpful words. Such a tongue is not just nice or positive or kind. It’s the “tongue of the wise.” This tongue is empowered with love of God and motivated by faith in God.

     Just think what a force for good a sincere compliment can be. Not only can it boost a person’s morale but also can give the incentive to go on doing well.  A word of apology can ease excruciating pain. A word of encouragement can build up a person broken down by verbal abuse or neglect.  A word of concern can heal the suffering of loneliness.

     We must use our tongues as a force for good. In the New Testament, James writes, “Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing….This should not be (James 3:10). In God’s power we can use our tongues for praise and blessing.