Friday, March 16, 2012

The Glory to Come

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. - Romans 8:18

Many of Paul's friends suffer because they were Christians. Some lost their jobs; others were beaten, many were killed. In light of the dangers involved, some were questioning whether Christianity was worth it. At least it would be easier to be silent Christians, outwardly following the crowd to avoid persecutions. Paul assured them everything they were going through was worth it, as they would see when they were with Christ in heaven. He promised that their present sufferings would be more than compensated by the rewards that awaited them in heaven.

In light of an eternity in heaven, this life is only a blip on the screen, if only we could fully understand how magnificent heaven will be. No tears. No pain. No suffering. When we reach our eternal home, we will realize that everything the Bible said was true. Everything God promised will be ours. Then we will know that living the Christian life was well worth the effort.

If you are going through a difficult time right now, keep in mind that this life is only temporary. Nothing you might be suffering now can compare to the reward you will receive for having patiently endured. One day, you will enjoy eternity with God, and eternity will be more wonderful than anything you could imagine. Don't become disheartened by problems you face right now. God has things for you to learn and to do for Him. Remain faithful to him, and your reward in heaven will be beyond comparison.